Freud’s case study of Little Hans (1909)
Aim: - To understand why Little Hans, a five year old boy who had a phobia of horses and how to treat the phobia.
to research the case of Little Hans. Hans father was a
follower of Freud’s work and the information came from
him, and not little Hans himself. Freud had only met Hans
twice and the information was collected by Hans mother
and father documenting his development. To test Freud’s
ideas Hans father would ask questions such as “When the
horse fell did you think of daddy?” they would also ask about his dreams and fantasies.
Description of themes: -
Little Hans often dreamt about his ‘widdler’ (his penis) and about wiping peoples bottoms, little Hans had denied an interest for his ‘widdler’ and said it was only in his dreams, this is evidence of repression as he is pushing his unwanted desires to his unconscious mind. Although when he was younger, his mother often told him off for playing with his ‘widdler’ and threatened little Hans that she would get the doctor to cut it off. on business as he wanted his father dead, this was because
he enjoyed being with his mothers attention. Hans was also
jealous of his little sister, who was born when he was three
and a half. Hans father reported that Hans had a fear of
falling under the water in the bath. Freud and his father
came to the conclusion that when watching his mother
bathe his sister, he wished she would let his sisters head
go under water. Hans agreed this was true but this could
have been because he was jealous of his sister because his
mother was giving all of her attention to the sister. His
jealousy of his sister was evidence of the same desire for
his mother.
link to a video about Freud