Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Extra Reading

As you all know, if you are aiming for the top grades at Advanced Level you should read around the subject.  I know this is hard as there is so much on the internet that is unreliable, however, if you follow me at PensbyPsycho on Twitter I often tweet links to articles that extend the work we have done/ will be doing in class.  The links below are two examples of this:

For AS students an article in the New York Times showing support for Freud's notion of reaction formation - it discusses the idea that homophobic people actually may have homosexual tendencies.

For AS students, the full text version of Freud's Little Hans study.  An interesting read!

For A2 students an article in the Guardian about the infamous R.D Laing and his 'experimental' method for treating people with mental illness.

Remember reading around the subject increases your understanding of the topics we cover in class.  The more you understand something, the better you will be able to explain it in the exam!

Monday, 28 January 2013


As A2 students will be aware, a new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders is due to be published in May 2013.

Click here for a link which takes you to some FAQs about DSM 5.  You need to be aware of this revision to the manual for your June exam.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Year 12 Homework - Facebook Page/ Twitter Account for Sigmund Freud

Here is the facebook template

Here is a Twitter template 

Here is a completed example

Remember that this is for display in Room 15 - remember I also teach Year 7!  Make sure there is plenty of reference to Psychology.  If you would prefer to make a real Twitter/ Facebook page that is fine - but you will have to print screen it and print it out to submit it.